Medicine and 3D printing: the story of Amina Khan

ORIGINAL ARTICLE OBM – This is the story of Amina Khan, a 3 year old girl who had the chance, thanks to 3D printing, to improve her life, to have a new start. Dedicated to Those Who Live with the fear of the progress and Those Who do not want to stop to be amazed and moved. The new article by Nicole Rinaldi.
I’m here to think about how the world evolves dramatically in how technology is succeeding in no time to disrupt our horizons and make real miracles; in my last experience in Remote Future, an event organized in Naples a little over a month ago, I was able to see with my own eyes how far he pushed the human imagination combined with great knowledge, skills that he developed. Besides that struck me the reaction of many people who did not know what it occupied OBM Initiative, I had the impression that many of them were not completely ready for all this, and I felt a strong sense of regret. Regret because I felt their fear, the fear of being overwhelmed by something they saw greater than themselves, who could not manage, because you know, what he does not know many times inhibits, scares, there still. So I decided to speak to those people with even more emphasis, to explain to them what was really the world in which those in OBM Initiative operates. A world of good intentions, of extensive studies, the desire to do and offer. The way we think progress is aimed at sharing of useful elements, sometimes necessary. And ‘dedication and confidence in what we do. I wish that those who lived with a touch of skepticism around this then you can read one of the many wonderful ways to take advantage of new innovations. to explain to them what was really the world in which those in OBM Initiative operates. A world of good intentions, of extensive studies, the desire to do and offer. The way we think progress is aimed at sharing of useful elements, sometimes necessary. And ‘dedication and confidence in what we do. I wish that those who lived with a touch of skepticism around this then you can read one of the many wonderful ways to take advantage of new innovations. to explain to them what was really the world in which those in OBM Initiative operates. A world of good intentions, of extensive studies, the desire to do and offer. The way we think progress is aimed at sharing of useful elements, sometimes necessary. And ‘dedication and confidence in what we do. I wish that those who lived with a touch of skepticism around this then you can read one of the many wonderful ways to take advantage of new innovations.
I’m talking about the incredible story of Amina Khan, 3 year old daughter suffering from a rare disease for which during its first three years of life has never been able to separate the lower and upper jaw. For Amina according to the doctors there was little to do, a case so isolated it was very difficult to cure, once arrived in a specialized center in maxillofacial deformities, ” Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center ,” one of the doctors found the solution: take advantage of 3D printing and print to scale 1: 1 model of the jaw and the skull of the child.
In doing so the whole medical team was able to work and practice for an operation so delicate and not very usual on the model created, coming prepared to the real action, which will allow to Amina, finally, to speak and swallow properly for the first time in his life .
The operation consisted in the removal of a bone segment of 30mm x 6mm x 8mm, due to the maxillary fusion. In a second moment it was transplanted its periosteum on prior cut parts. The path is still long for Amina, other tests waiting, but his life now has a new beginning. Until progress will bring so much joy, as long as people fail to grasp its best aspects, then it is worth trust.
From Poland printed an innovative artificial heart in 3D
3D printing, like any rapidly growing industry, has both its supporters that its skeptics. But whatever its position as a whole, there is one area where its usefulness is rarely questioned: medicine. In recent years, additive manufacturing has been used by medical professionals and researchers to create a variety of patterns, and parts of the bio-printed body, contributing to countless patients health.
Many medical research areas have benefited from this new 3D technology, but what about the human heart is a very important project and current affairs. Models can help to save lives and the research that is being conducted worldwide could one day produce a printed heart in 3D functional and implantable in a human body.
A group of Polish researchers of the Department of Cybernetics of the Warsaw University of Technology Military together with the Department of Optoelectronics Silesian University are working in close collaboration with the manufacturer of 3D printers Zortrax to build a series of printed hearts in 3D that could contribute the safety and effectiveness of future artificial hearts.
The research group consists of Polish scholars from both universities: Dr. Krzysztof Murawski, PhD, Dr. Leszek Grad, PhD, and Dr. Artur Arciuch, PhD, of the University of Warsaw Military Technology, and Prof. Tadeusz Pustelny and his team Silesian University of technology.
The main objective of the project is to create an integrated computerized system, including software and hardware part to measure the stroke volume of the artificial chamber of the heart in real time. Together they have already been printed 4 models of artificial hearts that are used for testing. By applying special algorithms, it is tested the efficiency of the models that are inspired by the pneumatic pump for the heart known as RELIGA EXT.
The cardiac chamber have been printed using a 3D printer M200 produced by Zortrax, a FDM printer with a storage volume 200 mm x 200 x 180 and a resolution 90-400 microns. The blood chamber and the pneumatic chamber is completely printed through the technique of additive printing, constitute two of the artificial heart components are composed of as many as 12 different elements.
For the membrane instead of the realization process has been divided into 3 phases. The first phase has been devoted to the realization of the diaphragm which was first modeled by a modeling software. Subsequently is a verification phase of the volumes was performed in order to realize the mold for the physical realization of the diaphragm itself.
The thickness of the diaphragms is a maximum of 1mm with a volume of 35 ml. As confirmed by one of the team members, the most vital parts that determine the quality and usability of 3D printed models are thickness and type of material. printer used in this project, this parameter can be set by the user has the option to choose from 0.9 to 0.39, depending on the print material. It should however take into account that the thickness is closely linked with the level of precision and length of printing time. The case of artificial hearts is just one example of the potential offered by today’s 3D printing in the medical field. The ability to create real models allows a significant step forward and an acceleration in the testing phases of the functionality.
At one time it was believed that the heart was the seat of the human mind for centuries and is associated with emotional, morality and feelings of mankind. I wonder if these new technological frontiers as well as offering an undoubted prospect of life expectancy will open the way for new symbolism and allow us in an emotional rush of whispering again “… heart beats fast.”

The protagonist article you read today is a doctor, specifically a specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. But Lelio Leoncini is not only this! As he explains himself laughing, and reading the rest of the article you will also understand you because, in his mind there are three people today: the physician, the orthopedic technician and modeler. Meeting Lelio in his studio in Acquaviva delle Fonti (BA) and I remain impressed. Wherever printer models in 3D and in a side room I discover a series of guides, sensors and equipment worthy of an engineering study, more than that of a doctor. Lelio fact is known for scoring the first bust for scoliosis acquired and printed in 3D.

Scoliosis is defined as the “black beast” of orthopedics, because it is a problem of the spine very complex to treat. Summarily, scoliosis involves abnormal curvature and rotation of the spine and to cure it is necessary to impart to the corrective movements of the column that is currently using becomes big and bulky busts.

The main problem of the traditional methods of correction is that they operate according to a logic in two dimensions, while the scoliosis acts on the column in three dimensions, it is also difficult to predict the reactions of the body to take corrective movements impressed by the bust. The second problem concerns the acquisition and the realization of the same bust. First, you need a large work room and a system to hold the patient during the procedure. The patient is bandaged and realizing his bust of the model is obtained by a shell which is subsequently filled with chalk and hand worked by a technician. On the plaster will then wrapped a termoriscaldato material to obtain the real corset.

This method is invasive, slow, expensive and inaccurate. For if the bust is not perfectly fitting, you can not change and the patient will be very troublesome to keep. Otherwise, if we had the opportunity to realize an anatomical bust, we will have an advantage in the treatment of the problem speed.
All these defects of the traditional technique led Lelio to seek an alternative solution to the problem of scoliosis.
He decided to develop a purchasing system bust type CAD-CAM. The system is based on the use of infrared sensors for simultaneous acquisition of whole trunk. The infrared sensors have a low cost, fast respond, are more accurate and can also operate in the dark. This means less discomfort for the patient during the acquisition and the ability to have a much smaller room equipped, on the edge of a 2 mt box for 2 mt. The infrared system has been made entirely by Lelio and his team with recycled materials and at a much lower cost compared to the systems currently on the market. Subsequently, the image captured by the sensors is passed to the monitor of a PC and here, by means of suitable modeling programs, it is possible to immediately study the defects of the column and realize, directly on the image of the patient’s torso, the exact model of the corset. Lelio tells me that even if mistakes were made, with the software is much easier to correct them, compared to the manual technique of changing the plaster bust. Finally, it sends the model to a machine that performs the bust. The model is no longer made of plaster, but with a polyurethane foam, a sort of very dense polystyrene to be then milled by means of a numerical control CNC machine. In the end we get a bust acquired and modeled with great precision at a much lesser cost. but with a polyurethane foam, a sort of very dense polystyrene to be then milled by means of a numerical control CNC machine. In the end we get a bust acquired and modeled with great precision at a much lesser cost. but with a polyurethane foam, a sort of very dense polystyrene to be then milled by means of a numerical control CNC machine. In the end we get a bust acquired and modeled with great precision at a much lesser cost. Currently this is the ‘single type of certificate and authorized equipment for the realization of the bust .
Lelio told me that he started to integrate 3D printing into its system when it was developed by the Wasp the first printer that sits his work. He immediately purchased and began fumbling in the complex world of modeling. He explains to me laughing that he expected everything was much easier, but in the end, even without technical skills, he managed to do it and it was really a great win for him. He no longer felt only a doctor, but also a modeler and an orthopedic and find that when you think, you think three, makes you feel very proud of yourself and the progress we’ve made. Currently, however, the ‘ use of the 3D printer in the creation of the busts is at a standstill. Missing an entity that will take charge of the realization of a certificate filament for use on the human body . Until we will overcome this obstacle, the 3D printer can not be used for the actual construction of the busts.
The advantages in the use of the 3D printer would be numerous: ability to create very light busts, at a reduced cost and with the possibility of recycling the PLA after use; it would be possible to modify the corset also at a later time, thanks to a heat gun; the low weight of the bust would be accompanied also of a better aesthetics.

Create a more beautiful corset, colored perhaps, it might seem like a minor point, but would allow, especially children, to accept more easily care. In fact, most of the treatments in the back is done on children and Lelio tells me that it is always very sad dovergli explain that 3D colored busts on the walls of his study, those who also fascinated me at the entrance, they are just models and corset that will bring will be very different. In case the certificate filament, Lelio began a new and important project: the construction of aesthetic prosthetic limbs. His goal is to reproduce as faithfully as possible the missing limb, so that it can not in any way seem like an artificial limb. At the time he and his team work on creating and focal point of the innovative acquisition system.
Lelio Leoncini works with one goal in mind: to innovate in the field of physical therapy and there are no better words to conclude this article of his.
” Helping those who help it is the duty of those who have always believed that innovation is the tool to break down barriers. It ‘s technology that allows those in crisis to quickly catch up with the others and now more than ever need investment and a public commitment to research and development. In my opinion the technology, and as a result progress is always required from medicine. Medicine is a science, and as such never reaches a point of arrival but always needs to develop, to reach out to the improvement in order to always offer more opportunities to humans, improving it or saving his life.The value that technology offers to the business results in the company’s ability to be more flexible, efficient and competitive, able to succeed in global markets. Italy is the country of small and medium-sized enterprises, where digital technologies can actually mark a change in the ability to compete and bring value to the territory in which they operate. By sharing experiences and continuous collaboration between the business world and research, it can rise to a culture of innovation that achieve growth and development. “
Additive Manufacturing Talks, Glen Green of the University of Michigan shows how to save lives with 3D printing
Dr. Green is one of the internationally renowned speakers who will talk about the event ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TALKS , international conference on additive manufacturing technologies, to be held on 10 June 2016 in Milan at the Vodafone Theater. Anyone who follows the developments of 3D printing in the medical field for some years certainly knows Dr. Glenn E. Green, the pediatrician otorinolangoiatra the University of Michigan who was involved, for years, some of the case studies of the most successful ever the use of additive manufacturing and custom devices to save lives. Together with Dr. Scott Hollister has developed surgical techniques and devices for complex reconstruction of the respiratory tract, and is co-inventor of a support of 3D printed respiratory tract that was used in 5 children with bronchomalacia, life-threatening.

In particular, it recalls the famous case of Kaiba Gionfriddo, that thanks to the application of urgency of a 3D printed personalized trachea in bioresorbable materials, has been cured perfectly and has opened the way for the standardization of this type of intervention. Green is director of translational studies in progress 3D printed devices for humans and animals. He has won several innovation awards, including Popular Mechanics (2013 Breathrough Awards, New York City) and President Obama (2015 Honored Maker, the White House). His accomplishments are on display at the British Science Museum in London. His work has had popularity in both the scientific literature and in the profane with publications on “New England Journal of Medicine”, “Nature Genetics”, “JAMA”, “Scientific American,” the New York Times, During the conference, the international industry leaders will meet exclusively in Milan to provide a concrete vision of the technological future scenarios and establish a meeting point with the industry, the market and research on issues dell’additive manufacturing, the presence of producers, experts, business leaders and professionals. The gurus of the industry will tell the next technological step and world-class innovation, outlining the strategic issues of the future dell’additive between manufacturing technologies, materials, trends and case histories of excellence. The additive manufacturing and 3D printing are an exponential technology that allows the manufacture of complex medical devices that fit together perfectly with an individual human body. The intervention of Dr. Glenn E. Green will focus on how additive manufacturing and 3D printing successfully have been used to create more than a dozen new medical devices to address the devastating medical conditions and previously incurable. The study will address the clinical trials and the medical use of 3D printing to create surgical implantable devices, surgical models, medical devices and training models. In addition, they will discuss how the functionality dell’additive manufacturing and 3D printing has been extended by integrating the stem cells, bionics and printing 4D, and how these devices can presage a transformative change in medicine.
As a concluding event to deepen the arguments on display in Technology Hub, ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING TALKS , then show the solutions that new technologies and applied research offer to the market, supporting knowledge as assets essential to the competitiveness of the companies. S arà opportunity for networking and high-level matching, which will allow not only to listen to the speeches, but to participate in business meetings with corporate sponsors and cognitive meeting with the speakers to learn, relate, compare and present their projects to leading experts on additive technologies that affect the entire industry trends.
Nick Brookins, a media services engineer at Akamai Technologies, has designed a 3D printable partial finger prosthesis called the “Knick Finger”. Brookins, Whose designs was recently shared by Enable, lost his own finger in 2014 after a motorcycle accident.
3D printed prosthesis specialist ENABLE is best known for designing, sharing, and distributing its own 3D printed prosthesic hand , a design based on the centuries-old Corporal Coles hand, but the nonprofit organization is gradually broadening its horizons beyond That design. Now a large international community, ENABLE is using its growing reputation to Promote new 3D printed innovations for the limb different community, the most recent example being the Knick Finger, A partial finger replacement device designed by engineer Nick Brookins over the last two years as a solution to His Own finger amputation.The story of the Knick Finger goes back to the moment Brookins found himself in hospital in 2014 after a motorcycle accident. The severity of the crash Brookins required to have His right index finger amputated, but the engineer reacted to the setback with optimism and steely determination. Being a self-proclaimed “tinkerer”, the amputee Began thinking about designing and 3D printing His Own prosthesis before he had even left the hospital.
After dismissing the “Silicon silly contraptions” offered to him by doctors, Brookins fired up 3D OpenSCAD software design and Began work on His own device, taking inspiration from the Owen Replacement Finger, another 3D printed prosthetic device shared by ENABLE in 2013. When Brookins had added the finishing touches to version 1.0 of the Knick Finger, a “mashup” of the Finger Owen and the Flexy Hand , he printed it off on a Printrbot Simple 3D printer , before sharing under the Creative Commons license online design.
The Knick Finger 1.0 Relatively was successful, but Brookins was unhappy with various elements of the design, prompting him to start over-this time using 3D modeling software SketchUp . The Knick Finger 2.0, However, turned out to be more difficult to print and build than the first version, as well as being harder to tailor to individual hands. Brookins attempted another design, version 3.0, before finally getting it right with version 3.5, Which can be assembled in about 30 minutes.

Dubai is known as an ambitious nation, and That ambition has Reached even the world of 3D printing. As the Dubai Health Authority has just revealed, they will be Implementing Initiatives to develop a huge medical 3D printing sector That Produces a wide range of new (biomedical) 3D printing applications. Among others, they will be looking to develop customizable 3D printed dentures, and are even planning to set-up production platforms for 3D printed artificial limbs costing less than Dh400 (about $ 100 USD).
This new announcement is part of one of the biggest 3D printing adoption programs the world has seen so far. Known as keen adopters of state-of-the-art technology, Dubai recently unveiled Their Own Dubai 3D Printing Strategy , Which AIMS to make the country the 3D printing capital of the world by 2030. Unveiled just last month by His Highness Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Prime Minister and Vice President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Dubai, this strategy will affect society in three main sectors: construction, medical products and consumer products.
It’s a strategy That was not completely unexpected, as the country has Been A strong promotor of 3D printing Initiatives. Last year, Sheikh Mohammed Dubai Announced the Clean Energy Strategy 2050 plan, Which 3D printing will play an important role in helping Dubai become the most sustainable city in the world . These grand ambitions sono stati Supplemented by several large-scale 3D printing projects, many of Which are world firsts. These include using 3D printing to build Dubai’s Museum of the Future and the world’s first fully functional 3D printed office building .
As Dubai is known for its immense man-made islands, construction-based 3D printing will probably be the main focus of this new strategy. But as Humaid Al Qatami, chairman of the board and director general of the DHA Announced, They run harbor significant medical ambitions. “To meet the Dubai 3D Printing Strategy, DHA Has Begun determining the work methodology, Which ultimately AIMS to utilize technology for the service of humanity and Promote the status of the UAE and Dubai as a leading hub of 3D printing technology by 2030,” he said. Their goal, he added, is to set-up a medical 3D printing sector That is worth More than Dh1.3 billion (or USD $ 350 million) by 2025.
That sector is expected to encompass a very wide range of 3D (bio) printed That can be used in applications to human health industries, and range from 3D printed casts, teeth to bio-implants. “We plan to produce ceramic teeth in less than 20 minutes, use 3D printing in orthopedic surgeries and create 3D printed casts, Which will speed the heeling process of patients by 40 to 80 per cent. The strategy ultimately AIMS to make Dubai excel in different medical surgeries, “said Al Qatami. Also They will be setting up various international (research) partnerships to explore, produce and export These applications.
FDA releases long-awaited draft guidance for 3D printed medical devices.
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has a strange relationship with 3D printing. Though they are now seeing the advantages of 3D printed prosthetics and drugs, the FDA Has Been Slow to approve them in large numbers two to concerns over qualification processes and the impact of different materials and 3D printing technologies. In an effort to make FDA testing processes easier for all parties Involved and enable developers to prepare as best as possible, they have now finally released a long-awaited draft guidance for 3D printed medical devices.
Broadly speaking, the FDA is being Confronted with two types of 3D printed products: drugs and medical devices. Back in 2015, they approved the first type of 3D printed pills: SPIRITAM, an epilepsy drug by New Jersey-based pharmaceutical developer Aprecia. The huge advantage of SPIRITAM Is that the 3D printed pills disintegrated Far More rapidly than regular pills, making them easier to swallow. Incidentally, These pills 3D printed sono stati available since March 2016. Various other types of 3D printed drugs with similar benefits are under development, though the FDA Has Been Slow to approve them.
In contrast, 85 3D printed medical devices such as prosthetics and implants have received FDA approval already. Back in March, a 3D printed tritanium PL posterior lumbar cage was approved . But so far few of them includes high-risk devices That require premarket approval. The FDA feels That this group is more Likely to benefit patients in the short term, so their new draft guidance is fully focused ON THESE medical devices. Its goal? To provide developers with more insights into FDA thinking about the technical considerations and validation processes That 3D printed devices require.
Specifically, the FDA’s new draft guidance is focused on two of the most important development areas: design and manufacturing, and device testing. The guidance thus Provides insights into the most important obstacles for approval, such as characterization, validation and verification. They run developers caution that ‘point-of-care devices’ (tested with or near patients) may bring additional technical considerations with them That have not Been covered in the draft.
The most important point of the draft Is that the FDA will require That 3D printed devices adhere to all quality system requirements to insure all perform as intended. But Because of the many 3D printing processes, materials and post-processing techniques Involved, developers seeking approval need to “Clearly identify each step in the printing process … from the initial device design to the post-processing of the final device.” Developers Also need a full understanding of all upstream effects of different manufacturing steps. “For example, the ratio of recycled to virgin powder can affect the melting properties, Which affects the energy needed to create consistent bonding between layers, Which in turn affects [a device’s] final mechanical properties,” they write.
When 3D printed devices are tested, the FDA requires data That is based on a device’s “intended use, risk profile and classification.” This means That different considerations will be taken into account for implants and custom-made prosthetics, for instance. In the latter case, data on the full range of dimensions for all possible sizes will greatly help the FDA during the approval process.
Generally speaking, However, tests for 3D printed devices are very similar to tests for non-3D printed devices. The same performance characteristics are Studied. The difference Is that the medical device’s orientation relative to the 3D printer Also can impact performance. “Since mechanical properties of the may the device be impacted by orientation and location, it is important To ensure that production processes are properly developed, conducted, controlled, and monitored to Ensure devices or components are not adversely affected by fabrication orientation,” the FDA writes .